Ann Carr Page 4
Ewan approached him in awe “aw, but he’s magnificent!” he exclaimed “can I touch him?” he asked raising his hand towards the horse.
“Of course!” Elizabeth allowed, smiling down at him, watching as he patted the large animal “it looks as though you’ve made a friend there Ewan”, the smile was still in her voice as she patted his shoulder.
Ewan looked up with happy eyes, “can I have a ride of him?” he asked hopefully.
Laughing at his eagerness Elizabeth took the reins into her hand, unable to refuse the beseeching look in his eyes. She watched as he began to climb into the saddle with some difficulty, knowing that even in one so young, his stubborn male pride would not allow him to ask for her help.
It must have been a noise or vibration that caused Elizabeth to turn at that precise moment and when she did she froze to the spot; for coming down the hill towards them was a group of ten riders, swords already drawn and raised up in the air. It didn’t take long for Elizabeth to recover from her surprise and she instinctively reached behind her for the bow and arrow she wore strapped to her back at all times. Before she made contact she recognized the men coming towards her as her own men, not a band of Scots as she had first assumed. But what...?
“Ewan!” she screamed, panic taking hold, she frantically pushed him up into the saddle, cutting off his angry complaint by pointing to the approaching men, and watched as the colour drain from his face as he realised the danger he was now in.
“Hold on to Dancer as tightly as you can Ewan! Ewan!” she shouted, “Just hold on OK! He’ll do the rest!” Elizabeth spun Dancer around, pointing him away from the approaching threat; quickly she raised herself up onto the stirrup, offering more reassurance. “You’ll be fine Ewan. Dancer will look after you. They won’t be able to catch him! Just hold on as tightly as you can!”
Ewan watched as she lowered herself to the ground “I can’t take your horse Elizabeth!”
“Of course you can! Just promise to take good care of him until I come for him!” She soothed away his worry.
Not giving the boy the chance to respond, Elizabeth stepped forward, and slapped Dancer on the rump as hard as she could, knowing if they were to get away they had to leave now!
An unnatural calm descended upon her as she watched horse and boy ride away from her. Sending up prayers for their safety, Elizabeth began to feel the vibrations through the ground behind her. Not long now she thought.
“Duncan, dinnae be a fool!” Malcolm shouted as once again he had to grab hold of his friend’s shoulders, stopping him from running out into the clearing and getting them all killed.
Duncan struggled and found himself face down in the dirt for the second time that day. “It’d be suicide man! There are a whole troop of men waiting up on that hill. Only twenty of us! What are ye planning Duncan! Be rational man, we have no chance of walking away from that!”
“Get off me Malcolm, or so help me!!” Duncan shouted, not caring if they were heard.
“Ewan’s away Duncan, the lassie saw to that. They won’t be catching him now!”
“He’ll be wishing they had when I get my hands on him!” Duncan vowed darkly.
Malcolm watched as his friends eyes moved to the girl in the clearing. “There’s nothing we can do for her now. What will be, will be Duncan; we have no power to change it.” But still both men watched the scene play out before them.
When Elizabeth turned to see the riders nearly on top of her, fear finally took hold of her, screaming for her to flee! Grabbing her skirts she took off in hopeless escape towards the forest where Ewan had been hiding. Before she was half way the horses were on top of her, the sound of the beating hooves echoing through her body. She let out a desperate scream as the first two horses passed her, one either side, so close that she could have reached out and touched them. Fear paralysed her body and she just stopped, covered her eyes with her hands and tried to prayer, unable to remember any words.
In the next second she was painfully yanked off the ground, and was half carried, half dragged along beside the galloping horse. Without thinking she began to struggle, only wanting to be free from the grasping hand holding her, which only tightened all the more with her continued struggle. Henry spun his horse around, abruptly bringing it to a halt and Elizabeth managed to land a lucky punch before being unceremoniously dropped to the ground, landing hard on her hip. With no time to consider the pain shooting throughout her body she began backing away from her brother and the angry men who had now gathered by his side, swords still ready to be used.
“Call him back!” Henry bellowed as he jumped down from his mount. Once again Elizabeth could feel the ground beneath her vibrate as his feet made contact with the earth before her. She looked up a long way from her semi-reclined position on the ground.
Until this moment she had never considered her brother particularly tall, but now he seemed immovable! Elizabeth had to bite back the bubble of hysteria that she would be thinking of such things at what could possibly be the last moments of her life. She had no doubt that if Henry wanted her dead he would suffer no regrets from carrying it out! Some part of her had always been afraid of him, but she’d be damned if she was going to bend to him, for he wasn’t the only stubborn one in this family!
As he advanced, Elizabeth held her ground, even at her disadvantage. “I said call him back Elizabeth!”, he roared, bending at the waist and reaching out a long, powerful arm to roughly take hold of a fistful of her dress, just below the throat. Savagely he pulled her up off the ground, until she was dangling from his grasp. Instinctively her own hands came up to circle his wrist for leverage, the blood now roaring in her ears.
“He’s gone Henry. I can’t call him back now!”, she could feel the sweat dripping down her spine, she hated the pleading tremble that had entered her voice, the shaking muscles under her skin. How dare he, she thought, how dare he have the power to reduce her to this!
“I can see that he’s gone! We can all see that he’s not here!”, he spat, all but throwing her away from him in disgust. Unprepared Elizabeth crumpled to the ground again, which only heightened Henry’s rage. “Get up! Get up damn it!”
Barely managing to hold onto his rage at what he saw as his sister’s betrayal he shouted again, “get up now Elizabeth!” Before she had time to respond to the command he landed a heavy, well aimed kick into the side of her ribs. Elizabeth fell back with the force of the blow, landing on one side; she raised her arms protectively over her head waiting for the onslaught to continue. Her brother’s temper was legendary, and for the first time she did not have her father’s protection from it.
Elizabeth didn’t see the clenched fist moving towards her, nor did she see the hand that grabbed that arm in mid swing. Henry shook off the restraining hand, making a note to deal with the offender later. He once again bent down, grabbing her arm and yanked her back to her feet. Letting out a startled cry at the contact, Elizabeth’s eyes popped open to find herself standing face to face with her brother.
“I’ll give you one last chance Elizabeth! Call him back now! I know what you can do with that horse!”
Sadly shaking her head, Elizabeth whispered “I can’t Henry. He’s too far away.” Before the last word had completely left her lips Henry’s fist was making smashing contact with her face, it was only his grip on her arm which prevented her from landing at his feet again. Instead she awkwardly dangled from his hold. Tears stung her eyes, but determinedly she would not let them fall. Trying to pull herself together Elizabeth won back her footing and raised her head to meet her brother eye to eye. With determination stiffening her spine she forcefully responded.
“I said I cannot call him back! You have no choice but to believe me”.
“You’ll pay for this Elizabeth!” Henry took a threatening step forwards. By God! But he would make sure she knew to whom her loyalties belonged. He should have ignored his father’s bidding and pulled her into line long ago! He would not stand for such insolence from any
one, especially his own family!
“Do what you will to me Henry, but I cannot do your bidding. Even if I could, I tell you now, I would not!” she screamed defiantly in his face.
“ENOUGH! Henry enough!” Startled everyone turned at Richards shout, his arrival going unnoticed, everyone’s attention had been fully focused on the two combatants.
Richard had noticed the gathered group of men from the top of the hill while he’d been out looking for Elizabeth, who had been missing from camp. Intrigued he had come to investigate, only to witness Henry assaulting Elizabeth. Spurred on, Richard had no time to think, he only knew he had to stop the scene which he knew would play out before him. Knowing all he had on his side was surprise, he took advantage of it, managing to startle Henry before his retaliation.
Now, with all eyes directed at him, Richard felt himself falter, not quite knowing what to do next. He knew he would pay dearly for this, but there could be no backing down now.
“Think Henry! She’s getting married tomorrow! Do you want to go back and tell father that the alliance never happened because Elizabeth didn’t make it to the alter? What do you think would be his reaction when he found out what happened?”
“What he’s saying actually makes sense Henry. However angry you are, it’s important that she marries this Campbell tomorrow. By harming her you are only hurting our cause!” One of the men urged.
Decision made the men turned as one, mounted their horses and all but Henry cantered off towards camp. He paused momentarily to stare menacingly at Richard “Watch your back boy! Because one day you’ll pay for this!” With those words hanging in the air Henry follow his men back to camp, to begin making preparations for the following day.
Both Richard and Elizabeth watched his departure in silence, both aware of the terrible consequences that would one day befall them because of their actions here today. Turning, Elizabeth looked up at her young brother, as the youngest of the family she had always seen him as a child, but today, in her eyes he had become a man. She only hoped she could live with the knowledge that through helping one young boy she’d managed to endanger another. As of tomorrow there would be nothing she could do to protect him. His fate would be in his own hands, as would her own.
“Richard?” she moved towards him, and watched as a brave smile trembled upon his lips. No more words were needed, she felt such pride for him, and wished with all her heart that she could spare him any future pain. Reaching up, she regretfully took the gentle hand he offered down to her, pulling herself up onto the saddle behind him. Tapping his horses flanks Richard set him walking back to camp. Elizabeth glanced over her shoulder in the direction Ewan and Dancer had fled knowing in her heart that she had done the right thing and hoping they were well out of harm’s way by now. She felt a pang of sadness knowing she would never see them again. Just more names to add to the long list that she already had. From tomorrow she would be entering into a whole new life, she just hoped she wouldn’t lose herself in the process.
Chapter Six
The early morning mists swirled eerily around the group of men standing in the clearing. The first rays of the morning sunlight highlighting the shadowy figures. Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat at her first glimpse of the man she would marry. She had tried to prepare herself for this moment, but as the reality of what was about to take place hit home she began to quake inside. Her hands began to shake uncontrollably and it was only with an extraordinary amount of will that she managed not to drop the reigns she held in her trembling grip.
In contrast to her inner turmoil the morning was oddly quiet, nature’s creatures still peacefully sleeping; unaware of what a momentous day this was for two of the people gathered here today. There was no wind, as though Mother Nature herself was holding her breath in anticipation of the coming ceremony, respectfully allowing them this outer calm, which was so at odds to the inner emotions running through them all.
Henry gave the order to dismount and Elizabeth did so moving as though in a dream, her eyes never leaving the mysterious shadowy figures before her. With each slow step she took, the mists peeled back layer by layer, subtly revealing more of the men, though never enough to satisfy her curiosity.
The sounds of snapping twigs and rustling leaves beneath their feet were deafening, wholly at odds with the silence surrounding them, and only seemed to add to the tension of the moment.
One man stepped forward from the group, and in a tense, rather pompous tone, addressed all as one. “Hello. I’m father Archer, and I’ll be performing the wedding ceremony this morning. I expect you to leave all your weapons at the gate before entering this house of God. Bloodshed is not accepted on sacred ground.” Father Archer expelled his breath loudly, pleased at having gotten through his painfully rehearsed speech.
“Whatever you say little man! None of us are here today to spill blood!” Henry sneered.
Not for the first time in his life did father Archer have the intense feeling of being stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was now the only neutral party standing between two sets of powerful and undoubtedly merciless killing machines. Knowing the ruthless reputation of all the men gathered around him made him quake. He furiously sent up some prayers for his own protection.
He was a man who greatly feared conflict, which was his primary motivation for taking refuge in priesthood, his relationship with God at first having almost no bearing on his decision. Since discovering God, however, he had spent every day in fear that God would find some way to punish him for his impure reasons for becoming a priest. He fervently hoped that today would not be that day. The sooner he got this marriage out of the way the sooner all these men would once again leave him to enjoy his solitude.
Breathing deeply Father Archer noticed for the first time the regal countenance of the lady standing shrouded in a cloak before him and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to send up a prayer for her too.
Father Archer took, what for him was an incredibly brave step forwards, reaching out a sweat drenched palm, he took an unexpectedly tight hold of the girl’s hand while mumbling “come my lady”, before he hurriedly and thankfully drew her through the small hip high gate and onto the sacred ground of his church, where he exhaled a sigh of thanks for making it this far.
Elizabeth peered down at the little man beside her, who was still tightly clutching her hand. For the first time that morning the mists cleared and she was able to experience some unexpected humour. With the smile still shadowed upon her lips she lifted her head to find herself blinded by an enormously broad chest. The lingering smile completely vanished, but not before it was witnessed by the gathered men, who were themselves all concealing their own smiles at the little man.
Curiosity urged her to crane her neck back some more, her gaze coming to a halt on the most breathtaking face her eyes had ever fallen upon.
At the sight of this wide eyed girl staring up at him, Duncan was overcome by unexpected feelings of protectiveness. Perhaps this situation was going to have a few positives after all he thought!
About to introduce himself, Duncan began to raise his arm, only to be beaten by Malcolm moving forward holding out his own hand. “My name’s Malcolm, my lady, and may I say how disappointed I am that this uncouth heathen beside me is going to have the pleasure of becoming yer husband” he slapped Duncan on the back to emphasize his point, “and not me!” Malcolm was pleased with himself with the small smile he noticed touching her lips. He was beginning to have faith that his friend was going to be blessed with a happier marriage than his last.
At the sound of weapons being set down the smile quickly vanished. Elizabeth swung around to watch as her brothers one by one walked through the quaint little gate. “Well father. Get on with it!” Henry bellowed bad naturedly, “we don’t have all day for this!”
Father Archer physically jumped back and quickly taking Elizabeth’s hand for a second time, dragged her behind him into the small stone building, hesitantly calling out behind him, “follo
w me if you will!”
The building was made up of one room and was built out of dark grey stone, there were no windows, and the only item in the room was a small alter at the back, made from the same stone as the rest of the building.
Father Archer dropped Elizabeth’s hand and hastily set about lighting some candles to chase away the darkness with some light, but as soon as the men stepped into the building behind her Elizabeth felt it shrink, as though the breath had been sucked out of it. Determined not to turn around Elizabeth set about following father Archer, she exchanged a nonsense conversation with him; valiantly trying to keep her mind off what she knew was to come. So focused on this goal was she that she missing the silent exchanges made by the men who had just walked in. All joviality was now gone, instead there stood ten men, who at the smallest excuse would delight in extinguishing the lives of the others.
“So Duncan, it appears we are to be brothers here today!” Henry goaded.
“Apparently so! But we’ll be brothers in name only, I’ll do you no favours, offer you no protection.” Duncan vowed quietly, without any inflection in his voice.
Nonplussed Henry stepped forward, attempting to intimidate his opponent, “do you believe you’ll have a happy life if my sister discovers you’ve hurt her family?”
Matching Henry’s step forward, Duncan uttered, “and what do you think is stopping me from hurting your sister?” Henry’s eyes gleamed with new found respect for his enemy; for he would do the same if the circumstances had been reversed.
At the clash of a candle stick dropping to the stone floor the men’s attention was drawn away from themselves. Duncan cursed silently to himself at the look of terror the girl was sending his way. He hadn’t intended for her to hear that! Hadn’t actually meant to say it, but there was no time to explain that now!
Noting the silence, Father Archer deemed it a good time to start the proceedings, with a bit of luck, in five minutes he’d be rid of them all! Then he’d be able to go back to his lonely life of solitude, which was so much easier on the nerves.