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Ann Carr Page 6

  “Castle Campbell is still a fair way away yet. We won’t make it before morning.” Duncan smirked, enjoying himself wholeheartedly. “So I’m afraid we’ll be riding together for some time yet!”

  Deciding to ignore that comment, Elizabeth homed in on the first part of his answer. “Castle Campbell? Is that where you live?”

  “From tomorrow it’s where we both live”.

  “What is it like?” turning her head Elizabeth waited for his answer, curious to hear the details of her new home.

  “If ye want the place to be lovingly described with pretty words then I cannae answer ye. To me, it’s just the place where I live”.

  Dissatisfied with that, Elizabeth returned to looking out over the passing landscape and not to thinking about the man within whose arms she now sat! Oh, for heaven’s sake Elizabeth don’t start that again she chided.

  Chapter Nine

  As the sun began to set they pulled up for the day beside a slow flowing stream, under the protection of the forest.

  Duncan gave the orders for his men to dismount and start setting up for a few hours’ sleep, which was all he dared give them. They would have to be up early if they were to make it back to Castle Campbell by morning tomorrow.

  His men were moving around as they had been trained to do; silently. All communication that needed to be verbalised was whispered as softly as the evening breeze, all movement was kept to an absolute minimum. No fires would be lit tonight, and there would be four men awake at all times acting as guard.

  Duncan knew the men wouldn’t be happy to spend their night this way, however they were all battle-scarred and knew the risk if they disobeyed his orders. A mistake now would lead their enemies straight to them, for there were out there, Duncan was certain of that!

  In the silence a small, sleepy sigh escaped from the now sleeping woman in his arms. As soon as there pace had gentled to a walk a while back, Elizabeth had swiftly fallen into a deep sleep, head lulling back onto Duncan’s chest. Enjoying the feel of this woman pressed to him, and not wanting to lose the intimate contact, he had yet to wake her up.

  Distracted, he didn’t hear Malcolm and Colin’s approach until they were next to him. “Where’s John?” he asked.

  “He hasn’t returned yet from scouting out the area” Colin injected.

  Uneasily Duncan and Malcolm exchanged glances.

  “Ye dinnae suppose he ran into trouble?” Malcolm verbalised the thought that was running through all three men.

  “It wouldnae surprise me. It’s been too quiet! Henry left us far too easily this morning; I’d say he’s got something planned!” Duncan replied succinctly.

  “I’ll take some men and go looking for him”

  “I’ll come with you Malcolm” Colin volunteered.

  “Wait!” Duncan ordered before they left.

  Shaking Elizabeth, he woke her up and had lifted her down to the ground before she was fully awake. “Stay here with the men Elizabeth”, he ordered quietly, nodding in the direction of the busy men, “try and be as silent as possible!” he whispered.

  “But where are you going?” she whispered sleepily back, slightly uneasy about being left with a group of strange men.

  “We willnae be gone for long....”

  “Everyone stay right where you are!” They all turned toward the voice and watched as men appeared through the trees, from what seemed like every direction until they had completely surrounding them. Instinctively Duncan’s men reached for their weapons prepared to defend themselves from this ambush.

  “Did you not hear me! I said stay where you are or I’ll run this man through with my sword!” Henry waved his arm above his head, signaling, a moment later one of his men walked forward pushing John out in front of him.

  John was bound and gagged, however he had not been humbled, he still stood as tall as ever, looking the enemy proudly in the eye.

  “So kill him” Duncan interrupted with feigned nonchalance. “But of course ye havenae come here to kill him Henry, otherwise ye would have already done so. So what d’ye want? Let me tell ye now, whatever it is ye willnae be getting it! So just let him go!”

  Slowly Duncan lifted his leg, not taking his eyes off Henry, and began to dismount before being interrupted by the demand, “I said don’t move!” Duncan paused for less than a second before both feet pounded to the floor.

  “Aye, I do remember ye saying that!” He stepped forward taking hold of shadow’s bridle, blocking Elizabeth with his body.

  “I want the two chests containing Elizabeth’s dowry, give them to me and I’ll let this one live. Refuse and I’ll merely kill you all before taking them anyway. It’ll be much better for you if you just comply and give me what I want!”

  Nodding Duncan conceded, “tell yer men to go and fetch them”.

  “No!” Elizabeth shouted, springing forward to clutch Duncan’s arm, “You can’t let him have them Duncan! Please!”

  “Be quiet!” Henry raged.

  “Trust me Elizabeth”

  Not knowing what he was thinking, but seeing her brother’s men walking through the camp towards the chests she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to trust him! She had promised her father that Duncan would be the only one to open that chest, whatever was in there was his alone. Duncan didn’t know this, he didn’t understand the importance of what was hidden inside of it. Neither did she, but judging by Henry’s need of it he must know, and it must be of considerable worth.

  Elizabeth could feel the tension in the air coming from both sets of men, her brother’s men now carrying the chests back towards the waiting wagon at Henry’s side were looking very apprehensive, for in order for them to lift the chests they had had to lay down their swords, which now meant that they had no means of defense.

  Duncan knew all of his men were alert and waiting for the signal to act. He knew he had to hold them back and wait for their best chance, which came when Henry’s men were half way through the camp. Duncan lifted his hand from Shadows’ nose, which was their signal to attack! Not missing a beat every man reached for his sword, they turned as one, letting out a bloodcurdling cry of war.

  Henry’s men in the middle of it all were trapped, liked stunned rabbits, not knowing whether to run back for their weapons or forward to seek protection behind their ranks. That moment’s indecision cost them their chance of escape, Duncan’s men were almost upon them, death in their eyes. Dropping the chests they huddled together in a circle, back to back.

  Henry jumped from his horse and taking the jeweled dagger out from his belt he held it up against John’s throat. “Stop them Duncan or I will kill him!” he screamed, his control was beginning to snap.

  Not doubting Henry’s word, and not having time to think about his course of action Duncan let out a loud command which his men responded to instantaneously, with complete trust in his decisions. Duncan only hoped that his actions would not get them all killed.

  “Throw your weapons on the ground! Now!” Henry demanded. His own pulse racing at how quickly things had turned. He had not thought that Duncan would have put the life of his man in jeopardy like that! Yes he had a reputation as a fierce warrior; however he had one major chink in his armor, which was his loyalty to his men. Many would consider this an admirable trait however Henry merely acknowledged it as a weakness, a weakness he intended to manipulate!

  “You too Campbell!” he shouted.

  Duncan gazed at John and reluctantly dropped his own sword to the ground.

  “What are you waiting for? Bring the damn chests here!” Jumping, Henry’s men tried quickly to pull themselves together, they bent as one and continued their procession toward Henry, trying to control their shaking bodies.

  Placing the chests in front of him, they quickly scurried to retrieve their weapons before dissolving into the ranks of their own men.

  Barely containing himself Henry stepped forward, knowing that what this chest held would give him his independence from his father. Independence to wa
ge his own campaigns, to become even more powerful than his own father was now, and when that time came he would deal with them all!

  Henry could barely believe his good fortune at discovering what was hidden beneath the ancient wood of the chest. The only shame was that he had not discovered it while it had been in his own possession! Things would have been so much simpler that way. But he mustn’t grumble he consoled himself, this way he was still going to gain all the riches with the added bonus of killing not one but two Scottish Lords, not to mention his sister. All in all he mused; the day was going to end very well for him!

  Not able to resist any longer, he bent down, took hold of the lid and lifted. It didn’t move! Lifting his left arm, he shook his fist and called out for one of his soldiers, who walked forward with a large axe in his hand. As he neared the chest, he raised his arms above his head and brought the axe down heavily onto the lid of the chest. He let out a not too masculine yelp as it clinked against the lid, coming to a swift stop, the impact travelling up his arms. He dropped the axe in pain, missing his feet by only inches!

  “What are you doing?” Henry demanded.

  “It’s made from metal my Lord; it’ll take more than an axe to get through it!” The burly man stated unafraid.

  Furious, Henry spun around, found Elizabeth and shouted “where is the key?” as he stormed towards her.

  “The key? I don’t know! I thought you were looking after the chests!” Elizabeth feigned innocence, not prepared to break the promise she had made to her father.

  Henry halted in mid-stride; beginning to turn away he seemed to have second thoughts and spun back around, sarcastically applauding as he continued walking towards her. “Well! Well! Little sister, you almost had me fooled! Now where is the key? Don’t try lying Elizabeth, I know you have it! As father didn’t give the key to me I’m afraid that only leaves you!”

  Elizabeth cursed the fates that had made her brother aware of his own brain at this particular moment! He had gone through his whole life so far without noticing its existence! Why now? She inwardly wailed.

  “Do you truly believe that father would give something as valuable as that key to me?” she asked, slapping herself on the chest and physically feeling the lies beneath her hand. “It makes no sense!” she scoffed, not liking the panic she could hear creeping into her voice, making it rise in pitch. Could he hear it too? She wondered, God, she hoped not!

  Smiling now, Henry began once again closing the distance between them, shaking his finger at her, tut-tutting as he moved. Elizabeth had to stop herself from taking a step back, she wanted to flee, but she knew she couldn’t. Once Henry sensed fear and weakness, he would be like a rabid dog hunting you down till the end!

  “You really should have taken some lessons from me on how to tell a convincing lie my dear. Because I do know that you are lying to me, and I do so despise being lied to!” His words sent chills racing up her spine.

  Once again he took out his dagger, pointing it at Elizabeth, “Give it to me!”

  Shaking so much, all she could do was move her head in the negative.

  Spinning quickly, he had the knife at Duncan’s throat before anyone could react, “I said give it to me Elizabeth! Or you’ll lose you’re pretty husband before you even know him!”

  “Alright! OK Henry! Don’t hurt him!” she begged, “I’ve got the key!” Reaching inside her dress she took hold of the key tied around her neck. Lowering the hood of the cloak she lifted the leather strap over her head and with unsteady fingers she held out her palm towards Henry.

  “Bring it here!” he demanded. Instinctively Elizabeth’s trembling fingers gripped protectively around the sharp key in her palm. She should not be doing this! What was inside that chest was not meant for Henry’s possession! She had promised her father that this very thing would not happen!

  “Elizabeth!” he barked at her hesitation, bringing her back to the present. With shaking knees she took unsteady steps towards her own brother. Willing her limbs to quit their shaking she raised her stubborn little chin, and looking him square in the eyes she allowed all of the disgust she felt for him to freely shine out of hers.

  Not wanting to touch him she lowered her hand slightly before throwing the key the last few inches into his waiting palm. Smugly he turned away, gave the key to a waiting man and directed him to open the chest before him.

  Duncan went wild inside as he gazed upon the hideous bruise covering Elizabeth’s cheek. Before he had time to think about what he was doing, he’d bent down, lifted his sword fluidly above his head and began to run towards Henry’s retreating form. Everything around him disappeared, everything except Henry, his eyes were narrowed and focused, and he could feel the rage coursing through his body.

  What Duncan failed to see in his angry haze, was how every man had taking up his own sward, circling each other, prepared to fight, prepared to protect their friend.

  Surrounded by chaos Elizabeth could feel the blood rushing through her. This couldn’t be happening! What was Duncan thinking! Oh God but this couldn’t be happening she wailed! He was going to get everyone killed!

  Debating which tree she was going to hide behind, Elizabeth noticed some movement amongst the shrubs, an instant later an arm holding a bow popped out, followed by a second hand holding a long arrow before the whole man appeared. God he was going to kill her! The arrow was aimed straight at ... no not her! Duncan! Screaming, she began running towards Duncan, at the same time the man released the arrow, beginning its arching dance of death.

  Elizabeth somehow managed to place her body in front of Duncan’s before he was halfway to Henry, she ran directly at him, bumping him with all her force, managing to knock him off balance.

  Duncan saw his wife seconds before she knocked him off balance, in the instant before she barreled her body into his chest, he watched as a look of intense pain washed over her lovely face. What was she doing? He raged as he regained his balance, furiously grabbing her by the shoulders, intending to push her out of the way before she got them both killed.

  Hearing her cry of pain as he took her shoulders he demanded, “What’s wrong?” But before she was able to answer he found it himself. As he looked down at her he could see the tip of an arrow poking out from below her collar bone, surrounded by a seeping stream of blood running over her now very pale skin, soaking into the neck of her dress. By God! This woman had just saved his life!

  Raising his eyes he saw the man standing in the trees, incriminating bow still clutched in his hand. He had momentarily paused in shock at having hit the woman, who until a few hours ago he had been sworn to protect! As his eyes met those of Duncan’s panic filled him, he reached behind him for another arrow. Before his hand made contact with it, Duncan had lowered Elizabeth to the ground and raised his sword above his head. The man in the trees pulled the arrow up over his shoulder and loaded it into the bow, but before he could release it he was propelled backwards into the shrubs from the force of the sword now lodged in his chest, he toppled back and was engulfed by the waiting shrubs.

  Duncan’s men, showing no fear, advanced and began their attack now with a sense of urgency and a consuming rage. Amidst the clash of swords and fighting going on around him, Duncan bent down and lifted Elizabeth into his arms. Thinking only of taking her away from all of this, he stumbled with the dead weight in his arms towards his horse. Before he got there he could hear Henry giving the orders to retreat.

  Not pausing, Duncan lifted Elizabeth up onto Shadows’ back so that she was lying across his saddle, then mounted behind her, lifting her drooping body to hold in his arms. It had been many years since he had talked to God, but Duncan was now praying wildly for the life of this woman who he held in his arms.

  “Duncan!” he turned to see his friend swiftly approaching him.

  “Malcolm! She’s still alive! I need to get her back to the castle as quickly as possible, follow with the men when ye’ve finished here!”

  “Ye should take someone w
ith ye!” Malcolm cautioned.

  “Henry won’t do anything now, he’s running with his tail between his legs, probably won’t stop until he’s back in England!”

  “Maybe! But do ye want to risk that lassies life on it? Ye cannae afford any hold ups!”

  “John! Colin!” he yelled, “Yer coming with me. Now!” With that he kicked the flanks of his horse and raced off with a hundred prayers in his heart, leaving Colin and John to catch him.

  Chapter Ten

  The drawbridge dropped down with a deafening crash in the darkness, it was still echoing in Duncan’s ears as he raced his horse across it with increasing urgency. He didn’t slow his pace until he approached the entrance of the castle, where a handful of people had gathered, some holding candles up high to offer him light.

  “My Lord?” Mrs MacTavish, his trusted housekeeper, stepped forward questioningly. Only moments before she had been woken up by shouts from his men, telling of his return and that his new bride was very gravely injured. She hadn’t hesitated in waking the household staff and had hastily sent young Jimmy to fetch the doctor before readying a room for the young lady and ordering food to be prepared for the master. After more than eight years spent here as the head housekeeper, Mrs MacTavish was very efficient in her job. She’d been woken in a similar fashion countless times before so had lost no time in making the necessary arrangements.

  Duncan jumped from his horse, carrying Elizabeth in his arms and pushed past the small crowd. “Mrs MacTavish! Call the doctor immediately!” he barked.

  “The doctor has already been called Duncan, he shouldnae be much longer. I’ve prepared yer room for the young lassie”.

  She took a step forward to get a better look at the young lady lying in her master’s arms, she’d been praying that John and Colin had exaggerated the seriousness of her wounds; she already had a great compassion for the woman she had yet to meet. Having been told of the circumstances surrounding the wedding she couldn’t help sympathizing with this girl, she knew exactly what she must be going through having been forced into an unhappy marriage of convenience herself when she was younger.